(a landscape and... )
2015dimension variable,together around 10m x 4m x 5mfloating sculptural installation/Set design for the dance play Kiven sydämelläby choreographer Veli Lehtovaara&coat Astuvansalmi, southern Savonia, Finland
Eine Landschaft und... is a floating installation designed to interact on one hand with a contemporary dance play - as a stage design - and on the other hand with the landscapewhere the performance took place. Astuvansalmi is an archaeological site of rock paintings (about 3000–2500 BC), located on a cliff whose rocks seem, from some angles,to take the shape of a human face.Like a piece of landscape that would tear off from the shore, the floating island moves discreetly nearer to the audience, playing with its capacity to estimate the distance thatseparates it from the shore. The island drifts slowly in front of the stage, then breaks up in five pieces. While the birch forest floats away in one direction and the dead tree inanother, carried away from different currents, the stage, which is also floating, begins to rotate on itself. This is a variation on the idea of a delocalized place.